Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Staying Motivated...

Hi everyone! I'm just checking in to say "hello". How are you staying motivated? Or, better yet...ARE you staying motivated?

I'm not going to lie...I'm in week 5 of Insanity and I. AM. TIRED. So. Tiirreeeddd. BUT this week is my "recovery" week with Insanity. Now, I was so excited for a "recovery" week. Doesn't it sound relaxing? By pure definition, recovery means "a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength." The recovery week is still pretty intense. Instead of giving us Insanity participants 3 seconds between exercises to breathe, Mr. Shaun T gives us 10 seconds. How generous right? Seriously though, I LOVE these workouts. I feel so great once they are done and I'm starting to see the results through my own eyes...which is a very difficult thing for me to do sometimes. I still have a ways to go, but I'm getting there one step at a time and one pound at a time.

So, to keep motivated I used a gift certificate I got for Christmas to purchase a new pair of "sneakers"! I bought Vibrams; a.k.a. gorilla shoes, finger shoes, ugly shoes :) Here is the link: http://www.vibramfivefingers.com/index.htm I am in LOVE with these things! I never thought I would like them. They're weird looking that's for sure, but they are amazing. I couldn't wait to use them today for my workout. Sometimes to keep motivated it helps to go get a new workout DVD or a new pair of workout pants, shirt, sports bra, sneakers, whatever it is to get you up and looking forward to your workout...make it happen. You have this ONE life. You have this ONE chance!

Are you counting your calories/points? Are you getting in your exercise and including strength training in your regimen? I want to hear those success stories because I know they are out there!

Someone recently asked about modifying exercises. For example, in Insanity Shaun T. does some pretty insane pushups. I'm not going to lie, I modify some of these pushups because I'd rather not injure myself. It is totally okay to modify exercises, just don't stop moving. If you can't do a "regular" pushup, it is completely okay and (honestly) better if you drop to your knees. If you can't do a squat properly, it is okay to squat against a wall to keep your back stable. Here are some links to proper form and modifying exercises.

Knee pushups: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sxv7lL34kS0
Modify your squat: http://exercise.about.com/library/blsquatFAQ.htm

"The finish line is just the beginning of a whole new race." -Unknown

P.S. I encourage you to read this article! Very well put and true: http://www.musclebombshell.com/angelique-kronebusch/why-the-weight-wont-come-off

I'll check in tomorrow, so get ready to share your successes! It's February 1 tomorrow...are you still on this life long path of health? I hope so:)

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