Monday, March 26, 2012

RESULTS!!!/Shake it up with...

How are you all doing? Things here are going very well!! I'm proud to report that I have now been back running and what was amazing was the fact that after Insanity was complete, I got back on the road and ran as if I had been running all along. Insanity built up my endurance and got me back to where I am happy to finally be!

To prove that this is not a "quick fix" I am going to share with you just how long it has taken me (post nursing my son) to lose the weight.

  • I had my son at approximately 203 pounds on 7/18/2010.
  • I stopped nursing/pumping for him in August of 2011. (As I've said in some prior posts, due to the fact that I could not produce a lot of milk for my son when I restricted calories, I put off really trying to lose weight until I was finished.)
  • So, 8/1/11 = 168.2 pounds
  • 10/24/11 = 163.6 pounds
  • 11/7/11 = 159.8 pounds
  • 12/2/11 = 155.5 pounds
  • 1/16/12 = 150.5 pounds
  • 2/1/12 = 147 pounds
  • TODAY: 143 pounds!!!

So, I'm sure you can do the math, but since I really started counting my calories (and still "cheating" every now and again) and exercising, I've lost 25 pounds!!!! AND I FEEL GREAT!

I'm not done! I do still have about 8 pounds I'd like to lose and continue to gain strength. I plan on starting Turbo Fire on Monday (April 2nd). It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to get to the gym and that is why (for me) these home workouts are amazing! Yes they are hard. Yes you must push yourself to your limits (and not injure yourself). Yes it will take some time, but it is absolutely worth every single drop of sweat! Who is interested in hearing more about this workout? (Email me at or through FB!!) You will NOT be disappointed and I will be here for you every step of the way!!

As you know I've been drinking Shakeology for 2 weeks now. I wanted to try it before I decided to sell it because I always want to stand behind anything I sell 100%. While I have not decided yet if I will actually sell Shakeology, I will say that I feel amazing (and it's not just because of the exercise). I legitimately have more energy; more than I had when I was working out without Shakeology. I also do not have to take a multivitamin any longer because this has all you need! (I do still take extra vitamin D because of my MS though.) AND (men block your ears), when I was "supposed" to be bloated before that time of the month, I could feel that I wasn't!! I actually forgot that I was due when typically I am so bloated feeling and my pants don't fit; I'm not kidding! Want more info on the Shakeology? Let me know and I can get it for you through the Coach I go through!!

If things are not going where you want them to with your weight loss journey or your "health journey" as I prefer to call it, why not? Please never hesitate to shoot me a message. I love hearing from everyone:)

Quote of the day: “I am seeking. I am striving. I am in it with all my heart.” ~Vincent van Gogh

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